Many people have problems eating well during and after cancer treatment. This may be caused by the cancer or caused by the cancer treatments.
Side effects such as fatigue, loss of appetite, changes in taste and smell, chewing and swallowing problems, dry mouth, nausea, vomiting, constipation, diarrhoea or other types of bowel irritation and heartburn can often be managed. During or after cancer treatment you could be at risk of an infection and you’ll need to take care preparing, storing and cooking food. An accredited practicing dietitian, nutritionist or speech pathologist can also help you manage eating problems.
In this section we learn about nutrition, and suggest tips for eating well during and after cancer treatment.
We also look at ways to manage common eating problems, and give you recipes to make healthy meals at home. We cannot give advice about the best diet for you. You need to discuss this with your doctors, nurses and dietitians. However, we hope this information will answer some of your questions and help you think about other questions to ask your treatment team or dietitian.
Learn more about:
- Why eat well?
- Nutrition for people living with cancer
- Common questions
- Treatment side effects and nutrition
- Nutrition concerns
- Food safety
- Nutrition and advanced cancer
- Recipes and snacks
- Practical help and information
- Information for carers
Click on the icon below to download a PDF booklet on Nutrition and Cancer.
Nutrition and Cancer
Fonte: Cancer Council
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