domingo, 19 de agosto de 2018

How Avoiding Conventional Treatment Saved My Life - Jessica’s Breast Can...

Jessica’s sister was a young woman when she was diagnosed with ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS), or Stage 0 breast cancer.
And in spite of her sister’s efforts to survive – including following her doctor’s protocol of conventional treatments – she died from breast cancer when she was only 28 years old.
So when Jessica received her own breast cancer diagnosis in 2007 she knew one thing right away. She would not do what her sister had done. She would find another way.
She had seen the suffering her sister went through. Witnessed how the doctors didn’t seem to want her sister to get well. And watched helplessly when none of the treatments worked.
But at first, like most people diagnosed with cancer, Jessica felt she had to make a fast and radical decision. So she decided to have a double mastectomy.
It was a decision that felt right at the time. Then her doctor recommended she take Tamoxifen and have regular MRIs for five years. That’s where she put a stop to following the conventional path.
Her research showed how dangerous the drug was. She’d also studied the effects of toxins in our environment and considers them – and regular mammograms since she was 27 – the real cause of her cancer.
Jessica began her journey to find out everything she could about cancer. And discovered a wealth of information in one place: The Truth About Cancer.
She had always lived a healthy lifestyle, but now she took it to the next level. Eliminating toxins and supercharging her health with healing nutrition. Finding the right doctor. And eliminating the people in her life who didn’t support her.
Watch the video above to hear Jessica’s story and how dedicated she is to finding out all the ways out there to fight cancer and win.
As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas.

É muito importante (sempre) procurar mais informações sobre os assuntos

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