domingo, 7 de maio de 2017

12 Questions to Ask BEFORE Saying “Yes” to Chemotherapy Treatment

As informações e sugestões contidas neste site são meramente informativas e não                       devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas

Veja no final resumo em português.

While chemotherapy and radiation have long been considered the gold standard for treating cancer, it’s not because they have been proven to cure cancer. We tend to forget that science does not always represent “the truth.” Instead, it is often artfully constructed to meet the needs of the pharmaceutical industry and mainstream medicine.
Conventional doctors have considered chemotherapy treatment and radiation to be the standard of care for so long, they’ve lost sight of the fact that these treatments are causing cancer − not curing it. 

Did they somehow miss the fact that these super toxic cancer therapies could be the reason for their repeat customers?

What You Need to Know About Chemotherapy Treatment

Chemotherapy is not efficient. It is not selective, meaning it kills healthy cells along with the cancer cells. This inflicts serious damage on the body. Plus, chemo kills mostly rapidly dividing healthy and cancer cells − but not all of the cells are fast-growing.
Cancer stem cells (CSCs), a small population of cancer cells that are slow-growing and therefore resistant to treatment, do NOT die. To make matters worse, the treatment makes these cells even stronger in numbers as the ratio of highly malignant cells to benign cells begins to spiral out of control very soon after chemotherapy treatment ends.
These cells then take up residence elsewhere where they regenerate treatment-resistant tumors.
Chemotherapy also impairs the immune system, thus disabling it from disarming and removing cancerous cells from the body − so the patient is then more vulnerable to the recurrence of cancer.
It makes no sense to “treat” cancer with a therapy that causes cancer… does it?

Is Chemotherapy Treatment Effective?

Back in 2004, an Australian study on the effectiveness of chemo came up with rather bleak results. It showed an overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was barely over 2%. Given that chemo itself creates cancer, it’s a good thing they didn’t track the study a few more years, where they likely would have seen inverse results. Since then, numerous other studies point to the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy treatment.
Sometimes there is a benefit to chemo treatment (or radiation). For example, a very large tumor might need to be reduced in size if it is putting life-threatening pressure on a vital organ. Or if it is too large to be safely removed. However, just because you get an 80% reduction in tumor bulk, this does not mean you are targeting the most dangerous cells − the cancer stem cells.
If you are getting multiple opinions about how to treat your cancer, keep in mind that if you want apple juice, don’t go to a lemonade stand. They won’t sell it. Just like a conventional oncologist is not going to offer you alternative treatments. Chemo and radiation might well be the only tools in your allopathic oncologists’ medical toolbox.
I highly recommend seeking second and even third opinions in order to compare the various protocols available.
These cells then take up residence elsewhere where they regenerate treatment-resistant tumors.
Chemotherapy also impairs the immune system, thus disabling it from disarming and removing cancerous cells from the body − so the patient is then more vulnerable to the recurrence of cancer.
It makes no sense to “treat” cancer with a therapy that causes cancer… does it?

Is Chemotherapy Treatment Effective?

Back in 2004, an Australian study on the effectiveness of chemo came up with rather bleak results. It showed an overall contribution of curative and adjuvant cytotoxic chemotherapy to 5-year survival in adults was barely over 2%. Given that chemo itself creates cancer, it’s a good thing they didn’t track the study a few more years, where they likely would have seen inverse results. Since then, numerous other studies point to the ineffectiveness of chemotherapy treatment.

Sometimes there is a benefit to chemo treatment (or radiation). For example, a very large tumor might need to be reduced in size if it is putting life-threatening pressure on a vital organ. Or if it is too large to be safely removed. However, just because you get an 80% reduction in tumor bulk, this does not mean you are targeting the most dangerous cells − the cancer stem cells.

If you are getting multiple opinions about how to treat your cancer, keep in mind that if you want apple juice, don’t go to a lemonade stand. They won’t sell it. Just like a conventional oncologist is not going to offer you alternative treatments. Chemo and radiation might well be the only tools in your allopathic oncologists’ medical toolbox.

I highly recommend seeking second and even third opinions in order to compare the various protocols available.

Questions to Ask Your Oncologist About Chemotherapy Treatment

If you’re considering chemotherapy, here are 12 very important questions to ask your oncologist BEFORE you schedule any chemo treatments. 

The purpose of this list is to empower you to take charge of your cancer. No one is more interested in saving your life than you are, and this list will help you in making smart clinical decisions.

  1. What is the goal of the chemo for my cancer? Is this a cure?
    Doctors rarely use the word “cure.” Instead they say things like “remission” or discuss 5 and 10-year survival rates. Be clear on the expectations of a treatment plan.
  2. What are the chances that the chemotherapy treatment will work for me, for my cancer? Again, know what goal you are looking to reach: a cure, tumor reduction, or removal of symptoms. Ask: “After the chemo will I be cured, in remission, or do you anticipate I will need further treatment?”
  3. What chemo-sensitivity testing will you do to determine which chemotherapy agent to use?
    Despite the protestations of most oncologists, there is no one right treatment for any cancer. All the while, patients are given drugs that do not have the capacity to work for that particular person, often leading to failure and unnecessary suffering. 

Medical oncologists are increasingly encouraged to adhere to the standards defined by the National Comprehensive Cancer Network (NCCN) guidelines, regardless if the treatments even work or will work for the individual seeking treatment.These guidelines offer recommendations for treatments by diagnosis, based on the response for the “average” patient. But cancer patients are anything but average, and there are no average outcomes. Each cancer patient and each cancer has its own unique characteristics. Sensitivity testing takes some of the guesswork out of the equation by using specialized lab tests to predict how well a particular chemotherapy will work.
  4. What is your opinion on taking supplements during treatment? 
    While most supplements are completely safe to take during treatment and can actually boost the efficacy of treatment, many allopathic (conventional) doctors have not been trained in this subject.
  5. What are my other options if I decline treatment? You are asking this to uncover the doctor’s knowledge of available alternative therapies.
  6. What lifestyle changes will I need to make to improve the outcome of the treatment and protect my body during treatments?
  7. How will you nourish and protect my healthy cells while you’re killing my cancer cells? 
    Also ask how they recommend you detox from the chemotherapy treatment afterwards.
  8. What will your proposed chemotherapy treatment do to my cancer stem cells?
  9. How will you support my immune system during treatment?
  10. What will you do if I become resistant to chemo treatment?
  11. How will this treatment change the cancer environment?
    Ask if it will only kill the cancer that is there and leave you vulnerable to more cancer? Oncologists don’t always share that once the immune system is depressed, the cancer stem cells can go on to create more cancer.
  12. Would you give this same chemotherapy treatment to your spouse or children, and if not, what would you give them? Would you take it yourself?

Artigo Resumo

  • Quimioterapia e radiação têm sido consideradas o padrão ouro para o tratamento do câncer, mas não é porque eles têm sido provado para curar o câncer.
  • A quimioterapia não é seletiva - mata células saudáveis ​​junto com as células cancerosas, o que causa sérios danos ao corpo.
  • Células-tronco de câncer (CSCs) são uma pequena população de células cancerosas que são de crescimento lento e são resistentes ao tratamento. A quimioterapia não mata as células-tronco do câncer. Estas células, em seguida, assumir residência noutro local onde eles regenerar resistentes ao tratamento tumores.
  • A quimioterapia também prejudica o sistema imunológico, que, em seguida, desabilita a remoção de células cancerosas do corpo. Isso torna o paciente mais vulnerável ao câncer voltando.
  • A maioria dos oncologistas só recomendam quimioterapia, radiação e cirurgia e é improvável que recomendem tratamentos alternativos e complementares. Procure 2ª e 3ª opiniões para comparar os vários protocolos disponíveis.
  • Se você está considerando a quimioterapia, aqui estão 12 perguntas importantes para perguntar ao seu oncologista / médico ANTES de agendar qualquer tratamento de quimioterapia. Estas perguntas são para capacitá-lo a tomar decisões clínicas inteligentes para o seu corpo.
    1. Qual é o objetivo da quimioterapia para o meu câncer? É uma cura?
    2. Quais são as chances de que o tratamento de quimioterapia vai funcionar para mim, para o meu câncer?
    3. Que teste de sensibilidade à quimioterapia você fará para determinar qual agente de quimioterapia usar?
    4. Qual é a sua opinião sobre como tomar suplementos durante o tratamento?
    5. Quais são minhas outras opções se eu recusar tratamento?
    6. Quais mudanças de estilo de vida eu preciso fazer para melhorar o resultado do tratamento e proteger meu corpo durante os tratamentos?
    7. Como você vai nutrir e proteger minhas células saudáveis ​​enquanto você está matando minhas células cancerosas?
    8. O que seu tratamento de quimioterapia proposto fará com minhas células-tronco de câncer?
    9. Como você vai apoiar o meu sistema imunológico durante o tratamento?
    10. O que você vai fazer se eu ficar resistente ao tratamento de quimioterapia?
    11. Como esse tratamento mudará o ambiente do câncer?
    12. Você daria este mesmo tratamento de quimioterapia para seu cônjuge ou filhos, e se não, o que você daria a eles? Você poderia levá-lo sozinho?

Fonte: The Truth About Câncer.  (tradução google).

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This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This site offers people medical information and tells them their alternative medical options, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the practice of medicine. This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not 
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