sábado, 29 de dezembro de 2018

Can Alkaline Water Treat Cancer?

The term “alkaline” refers to water’s pH level. pH is measured in a range from 0 to 14. The only difference between this type of water and regular tap water is the pH level.
Regular tap water has a pH level of around 7.5. Alkaline water has a higher pH of 8 to 9. The higher the number, the more alkaline it is. The lower the number, the more acidic it is.
According to a study from 2013, water with a low (acidic) pH tends to have toxic effects.
It was once thought that ingesting acidic foods and drinks may increase your risk of developing cancer. It’s also been said that an acidic diet “feeds” cancer cells, allowing them to thrive and spread.
Here’s what you need to know about the potential benefits and risks of alkaline water.

Alkaline water and cancer

Alkaline water is said to help counteract the acid that’s found in your bloodstream. It’s thought that drinking water with a higher pH can increase your metabolism and improve your body’s ability to absorb vital nutrients.
Some theorize that this will starve any cancer cells found in your body because cancer cells thrive in an acidic environment.
Introducing something more alkaline is said by some to slow or stop cancer growth by balancing your body’s pH levels.
In general, alkaline water may have a hydrating effect on your body. For some people, it might also improve symptoms related to stomach acid reflux.
However, in a body with normal function, alkaline water sold at stores to the general public will not cause a significant change, if much at all, in your body’s overall acid-base balance as measured in the bloodstream.
What the research says
There currently isn’t any scientific evidence to support the idea that alkaline water can treat or prevent cancer.
It’s nearly impossible to grossly alter the pH level of your blood by eating or drinking certain food substances.
Under normal circumstances, your body has a way of naturally balancing its internal pH level without requiring a high level of thought or action on your part. Your body has multiple, complex and interrelated cellular mechanisms involved in keeping your internal pH where it should be.
If you have cancer, it shouldn’t drastically affect your overall pH level. Cancerous cells do produce lactic acid, but it usually isn’t enough to alter the pH level of your entire body.
In general, there’s very little research about the way alkalinity affects the human body. A high level of alkalinity in water is said to be potentially harmful to one’s health, though.
In 2011, the World Health Organization (WHO) published updated guidelines on the quality of drinking water.
The WHO hasn’t made any health-based guidelines or recommendations for the specific pH level your drinking water should have.
These guidelines state that the pH level generally doesn’t have a direct impact on consumers, as water that’s effectively disinfected with chlorine preferably has a pH less than 8.0.
If you’d like to use alkaline water, you may be able to drink it as you would regular tap water. Keep in mind that too much alkaline water may cause side effects, such as upset stomach and indigestion.
Risks and warnings
Drinking water with a balanced pH is necessary. If the water is too acidic or too alkaline, it can potentially have a negative effect on your health.
Your body isn’t designed to drink alkaline water alone. If you drink too much, it can disrupt the acid production within your stomach. This can result in indigestion or stomach ulcers.
Other risks include becoming more vulnerable to bacterial overgrowth and other germs causing infection within your small intestine. Your body may also have difficulty digesting and absorbing nutrients.
If you’re currently experiencing any kidney problems or have a chronic diagnosis related to the function of your kidneys, consult your doctor before use. This type of water may be harmful to you.

Where can I get alkaline water?
You can create your own alkaline water with special filters or faucet attachments. You can also use additive drops to alkalinize your water.
In most large chain stores, water ionizers can be purchased that convert your tap water to an alkaline pH state. Bottled alkaline water is also available at most grocery stores.
There isn’t scientific evidence to suggest that this has a positive impact on cancer treatments or health. Because of this, alkaline water typically isn’t considered a covered healthcare expense by your insurance provider
Although alkaline water is generally considered safe to drink, there isn’t any evidence to suggest that it has notable health benefits.
If you do decide to give alkaline water a try, here are a few tips and tricks to keep in mind:
  • Adding a squeeze of lemon or lime to your water can actually reduce the alkalinity of your water because these citrus fruits are acidic.
  • If you decide to create your own alkaline water, use distilled water. This may reduce the number of additives present.
  • Don’t drink alkaline water at meal times, if possible. Drinking alkaline water with food may negatively affect your body’s ability to digest food.
If you start experiencing any unusual side effects, you should discontinue use and consult your doctor. They can work with you to determine the cause and, if needed, update your treatment regimen.
As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas.

É muito importante (sempre) procurar mais informações sobre os assuntos 

12 Ways to Prepare For a Detox Cleanse

A sad fact in today’s modern culture is that everyone’s body is toxic. More than 80,000 hazardous chemicals pollute the air we breathe, water we drink, food we eat, skin care we use, and household cleaning products we disinfect with. We are flooded with these contaminants and our bodies struggle to flush out the toxins. Maximizing health in the 21st century requires periodic cleansing cycles to help clear these toxins from our systems.
Researchers propose that the average person carries more than 700 known toxins in their body within all organ systems including blood, skin, brain tissue, liver, fat tissue and digestive tract. Any one of these toxins may increase the risk of developing chronic illness and cancer.

12 Strategies to Get the Best Detox Cleanse Possible

Before you begin any cleansing fast or body detox to eliminate the contaminants you’re carrying, here are 12 ways you can prepare to get the most benefit from your cleansing strategy.
1. Get Your Mind Right:
Preparing your mind is the first and one of the best things you can do before beginning a cleansing fast or detox. Cleanses can be difficult as they generate both mental and emotional triggers which can be challenging. Create a supportive environment by sharing your intentions with family and friends and approach the fast with peace of mind.
2. Eat Healthy Protein and Fats:
Eating a balanced diet loaded with healthy protein and fats is a great way to regulate blood sugar levels and avoid a spike in stress hormones during a detox. Prepare your body before a detox cleanse by eating such foods as grass-fed beef and butter, organic poultry and eggs, as well as olives and olive oil. Combining these fats and proteins with a variety of vegetables and herbs will set you up for a much more tolerable cleansing period.

3. Limit your Carbohydrate Intake:
Stabilizing your blood sugar during a detox cleanse is the best way to avoid mood swings, cravings and stress and also to suppress your appetite. Both simple and complex carbohydrates stimulate the release of stress hormones and should be avoided. In order to achieve a healthy and successful cleansing fast, prepare your body by eating a low-carb diet for no less than 3 days before you begin your detoxification regime.
4. Drink Fermented Beverages:
Fermented beverages are an awesome way to supplement a cleansing fast with tools your body needs for detoxification. For example, coconut water kefir is loaded with potassium, enzymes, probiotics, and organic acids which stimulate immunity and assist the body in flushing out toxins and waste and healing the gut walls with a healthy balance of intestinal microflora.
5. Allow Additional Time to Sleep:
A successful detox cleanse will leave you feeling fatigued and probably a little bit more moody as your body is focusing on cleansing and healing. Through a cleanse, individuals can begin to feel energized from the fast and may only be able to sleep up to 6 hours at one time. Be sure to take a nap during the day if your schedule allows or leave extra time in your night for receiving sufficient rest.
6. Hydrate with Plenty of Water:
Proper hydration is essential for a healthy cleanse. Drink at least half your body weight of water in ounces throughout a detox. During the summer months especially, drink a minimum of a gallon of purified water. Drink only purified water such as water from a reverse osmosis system. Add back in pink salt for added nutrients in the ratio of approximately ¼ tsp per gallon.

7. Practice Dry Brushing Before You Shower:
Dry brushing is a strategy which stimulates the movement of lymphatic fluid below your skin’s surface. Before you get into the shower, use a light bristle brush and in a circular motion, brush your skin starting with your toes and moving upwards towards your heart.
Then, start from the neck and brush down towards the heart making sure to get all extremities. This gentle detox practice will remove dead skin cells and help open up pores before your shower.
8. Stock Up on Organic Herbal Teas:
Real herbal teas are powerful superfoods containing phytonutrients and antioxidants which promote a healthy cleansing fast. Herbal teas utilize natural immune boosting ingredients such as peppermint, dandelion, and licorice root which enhance the detoxification of the body. Traditional Medicinals makes a variety of herbal teas. One specific tea called “Smooth Move” acts as a laxative to clean the bowels.
9. Avoid High Intensity Exercise:
High intensity exercise such high cardio training or heavy weight lifting causes the body to produce stress hormones which a detox program cannot manage. Instead, it is recommended to engage in low intensity exercise throughout the cleansing fast. Look to participate in 30 minutes of yoga or walk around your neighborhood throughout your detox cleanse.
10. Relax in the Sauna or Natural Sunlight:
Allowing your body to sweat during a cleanse enables your body to detoxify from the inside out through opening up pores. Saunas allow heat to penetrate deep into the skin’s layers and pull toxins to the skin’s surface. If the sun is shining bright and the weather is nice, sitting outside in the sun will not only allow your body to naturally soak in natural vitamin D, but can help relax your mind, boost immunity, and deep clean the toxins from your skin.
11. Invest in a Shower Filter:
You might assume that after you shower you are the cleanest that you can be. However, tap water is contaminated with chlorine and other environmental pollutants of which some are purposely added to our public water supply. Investing in a shower filter is a strategic purchase you can make to avoid unnecessarily contaminating your hair and skin daily.
12. Get Rid of Waste Using Enemas:
Enemas are highly effective strategies are removing waste matter as well as toxins from the colon. Flushing out the toxins in your colon creates an environment for beneficial bacteria to flourish and stimulate the health of your whole body. Try a wheatgrass juice enema, organic coffee enema, or stick with a simple water enema to flush waste for your colon.

Article Summary

  • Researchers propose that the average person carries more than 700 known toxins in their body within all organ systems including blood, skin, brain tissue, liver, fat tissue and digestive tract. Any one of these toxins may increase the risk of developing chronic illness and cancer.
  • Maximizing health in the 21st century requires periodic cleansing cycles to help clear these toxins from our systems.
  • Before you begin any cleansing fast or body detox to eliminate the contaminants you’re carrying, here are 12 ways you can prepare to get the most benefit from your cleansing strategy:
    1. Get Your Mind Right
    2. Eat Healthy Protein and Fats
    3. Limit your Carbohydrate Intake
    4. Drink Fermented  Beverages
    5. Allow Additional Time to Sleep
    6. Hydrate with Plenty of Water
    7. Practice Dry Brushing Before You Shower
    8. Stock Up on Organic Herbal Teas
    9. Avoid High Intensity Exercise
    10. Relax in the Sauna or Natural Sunlight
    11. Invest in a Shower Filter
    12. Get Rid of Waste Using Enemas
As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas.

É muito importante (sempre) procurar mais informações sobre os assuntos 

Ed Sheeran - Photograph (Tema do filme "Como eu era antes de você") Lege...

The Secret to Detox Success and Long Life: Cut the Sugar!

When you hear people say, “sugar is evil,” you may think they are exaggerating. I used to think this way too. I mean, human beings have been eating sweet things forever, right? Even before commercial sugar production came along, weren’t there foods that tickled our taste-buds, like honey and fruit?
It is true that people have always had a propensity for the sweet stuff. But before the advent of the commercial sugar industry, folks ate a whole lot less of it.
Personally, I have been on a journey with sugar. It’s a love hate relationship. I love how it tastes, but I hate how it makes me feel. The first time in my life that I ditched all sugar was when Ty and I lived in New Zealand. I was experiencing pain and numbness in my leg, which led to difficulty walking.
After Ty and I did a little research, we realized that sugar was sabotaging my health, and so I ditched all processed sugar. Within a day or two, the pain was gone and I felt like my old self again.
It was wonderful! But then we moved back to America, and I fell into my old habits. There is something to the saying, “Old habits die hard.” But with determination and the right plan of action, I have been able to stop the massive amounts of sugar and find alternatives that are just as satisfying, such as monk fruit to sweeten my coffee, which is surprisingly delicious, and you can, too.

The American Sugar Consumption Epidemic

To give you an idea of just how our sugar habits have changed over the centuries, consider this: In 1700 AD, the average person consumed about 4 pounds of sugar per year. Today, according to The Washington Post, the average American consumes about 100 pounds of sugar every year. This is about 126 grams every day — more than twice the World Health Organization recommendation and the highest in the world.1
At the same time, lifestyle-dependent diseases are rising exponentially. In 1890, 0.003% of people had diabetes. In 2015, 30.3 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes; nearly 10% of the population. Another 84 million have prediabetes (a condition that can lead to type 2 diabetes).2 Can you see the connection?

Does Consuming Sugar Lead to Diabetes?

Though some in the conventional medical world still cling to the ancient dogma that sugar consumption is not one of the main contributing factors, the connection between high sugar consumption and diabetes is clear.
A 2013 study conducted by the University of California and Stanford University found that for every 150 calories a person consumes from sugar, they increase their type 2 diabetes risk by about 1 percent.3 And they found that this increase remains constant no matter what other healthy foods they ate!
The danger for diabetes lies in how many products contain either straight sugar (like candy and pastries), refined carbs (like white bread and pasta), or alcohol. Refined carbs and alcohol turn to sugar in the bloodstream. This causes stress on all organs and slows metabolism. According to neuroendocrinology researcher and metabolism expert Robert Lustig, MD, the body can safely process only about 6 teaspoons of added sugar every day (the equivalent of two medium-sized bananas or 6 tablespoons of ketchup).4
In fact, starting with its 2015 guidelines, the WHO began recommending this same amount of added sugar per day for “added benefits” when it comes to health (they recommend double that amount, about 50 grams or 12 teaspoons, to maintain “adequate general health”).5
The bottom line is that too much sugar bombards your metabolism, impairs insulin response, stimulates ghrelin hormones (hunger hormones), and turns off leptin (satiety hormones). Continuing to eat high-sugar foods and drinks can eventually lead to insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome.6,7

Sugar’s Connection to Other Diseases

This collection of symptoms – including weight gain, high blood sugar, decreased HDL cholesterol, increased LDL cholesterol, and high blood pressure – are the precursors to type 2 diabetes. In addition, eating lots of sugar and refined carbs also opens you up to other diseases as well, namely:
#1. Heart disease: Too much sugar affects your heart in many ways. One is by raising uric acid levels, which increases risk factors for heart disease. Second, sugar puts too much stress on the heart by infusing the body with an overload of glucose 6-phosphate (G6P), a product of sugar found in food. G6P can actually decrease the capacity of the heart muscle, which can eventually lead to heart failure.8
#2. GI problems: An overload of sugar can kill good gut bacteria as well. In fact, researchers at the University of British Columbia have linked higher sugar intake to gut dysbiosis, which is “an alteration in the composition of the microbiota.”9
#3. Inflammation: A disruption in the ratio of good to bad gut flora can cause digestive swelling and inflammation that can be tied directly to immune related issues. Inflammation also arises throughout the body because of an increased number of free radicals, which causes oxidative stress.
#4. Immune system issues: The University of British Columbia study stated that the “composition of the intestinal microbiota can influence susceptibility to chronic disease of the intestinal tract including ulcerative colitis, Crohn’s disease, celiac disease, and irritable bowel syndrome, as well as more systemic diseases such as obesity, type 1 diabetes, and type 2 diabetes.”
That’s a lot of issues related to not just the gut, but the immune system and metabolism as well! This makes sense if you know that the majority of our immune system cells exist in the upper GI tract.
#5. Brain-related disease: Research, like a 2010 investigation at Cambridge University, is finding that neurological diseases like Alzheimer’s may be caused by high fructose consumption and the constant use of glucose to fuel the brain.10 Recent research also suggests that milder brain-related conditions like depression may be a reaction to the sugar-induced gut swelling mentioned above.11
#6. Reproductive conditions: There is a direct link between sugar and reproductive cancers, which we will talk about a little later on. But did you know that too much sugar also raises a woman’s risk for Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)? This is because PCOS is a condition caused in large part by the inability of cells to utilize insulin.

What About Sugar and Detox?

We can’t talk about the negative effects of sugar consumption without talking about the liver; and fatty liver disease in particular.
We have a serious epidemic on our hands, and it has to do with sugar. Excess sugar intake can lead to something called “non-alcoholic induced fatty liver disease.” This is when excess fat caused by too much sugar makes its way into the liver, causing cirrhosis. Remember that everything you consume eventually makes its way to one place: your liver. It is the main organ where everything gets broken down into either energy molecules or waste.
Sugar overconsumption also effects the kidneys. Remember uric acid? It is produced in excess by too much sugar in the diet. And too much of it can lead to kidney stones and even kidney failureThe U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) states that a little more than half a million Americans are on kidney dialysis.12 This means their kidneys have failed them and they must be on dialysis for life.
What’s more, according to a study conducted by the University of California San Francisco’s School of Pharmacy and Medicine, there are about 100,000 people in the U.S. that are waiting for a kidney transplant. And the number of people in need goes up eight percent every year. End stage renal disease in general is going up by five percent each year.13

The Sugar-Obesity-Cancer Connection

The connection between sugar and cancer growth and metastasis is perhaps the biggest (and scariest) link of all. If you are interested in living a vital, healthy life, then you probably already know that sugar is the literal “food” for cancer. If you do not know about this connection, take a look at this article.
I want to talk about a lesser known issue when it comes to sugar and cancer, however. This is the link between sugar, weight gain, and cancer development. I already discussed how excess sugar floods the body with glucose, shuts off insulin, and causes excess fat stores. But did you know that this fat can greatly increase your risk of cancer?
Too much fat in the body is called obesity, and it is typically determined by a specific measurement based on the “Body Mass Index.” In recent years, studies have linked obesity to many kinds of cancer, including cancers of the colon, pancreas, and breasts.
According to the National Cancer Institute, about 84,000 cancer cases each year are linked to obesity directly.14
And if this statement from the American Society of Clinical Oncology doesn’t sum it up, I don’t know what will. According to them, obesity is “quickly overtaking tobacco as the leading preventable cause of cancer.”15
The research, which proves the obesity-cancer connection, is abundant. Investigations have also shown that the more a person weighs, the higher the risk for cancer. But how does being overweight raise cancer risk? It is a good question that not too many people outside of researchers and doctors know the answer to.
The reason is surprisingly simple once you understand the mechanisms of fat. You see, extra fat doesn’t just sit on your body. It is actually doing something. What it is doing is sending chemical messages out into the body in the form of hormones and growth factors to make more cells through cell division. More cells mean more chances for cancer cells to develop. The hormones that fat cells emit directing cells to divide and proliferate don’t discriminate. They encourage cancer cells as well as healthy cells to grow, grow, grow.

High Fructose Corn Syrup is Not Food!

A final note on the sugar-obesity-cancer connection: we simply cannot talk about this topic without addressing high fructose corn syrup, or HFCS. HFCS comes from corn but, believe me, it is not the same thing as organic corn on the cob. Researchers are now finding that the amount of HFCS Americans are ingesting in all its sneaky forms may be the main reason obesity has reached such epidemic proportions in the U.S.16
High fructose corn syrup is so prolific in processed foods because companies can manufacture it and add it to their products very cheaply. It is a primary ingredient in many commercially-produced candies, pasty items, and sugary drinks. A 2004 study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that fructose from HFCS is metabolized in a much different way than glucose.17 Fructose from HFCS does not stimulate insulin secretion nor does it kick in satiety hormones like leptin. Thus the body has no way to regulate its absorption in the body.
According to the study, consuming sugar from HFCS can actually make you gain more weight than consuming sugar in other forms. Other studies have shown that fructose from HFCS has the ability to stimulate the brain’s “hedonic pathways,” creating an addiction pathway similar to alcohol.
Remember this when it comes to HFCS and artificial sweeteners like aspartame: These substances are not sugar in any natural sense. They are not even real food! They are chemically-processed sludge that does not belong in your body. My advice is to stay away from them, period!

9 Ways to Stop Sugar Cravings in Their Tracks

Now that I have cut sugar, I honestly feel like I have my life back. Of course, it wasn’t easy. A lot of times I wanted that cookie so badly that I almost couldn’t stand it. Maybe you know the feeling.
But with the help of a great support system and a lot of research, I learned a few tricks for kicking the sugar habit that I want to pass on to you. They helped me greatly and I know that if you employ them, they can help you as well:

#1: Educate Yourself!

The first step to empowerment is knowledge. Continue reading articles like these on a regular basis to keep informed about what actually happens to your body and brain when you pile on the sweets. Only a small percentage of the American population even know about the sugar-obesity-cancer connection. But you do! Even better, pass on your knowledge to friends and family who may be ready to hear about it, especially if they have sugar addiction or obesity.18

#2: Keep Sugary Foods Out of the House

This should go without saying. It is the principle of “out of sight, out of mind.” You can also bring your own healthy, low-sugar or sugar-free snacks with you to the office or on errands so you won’t be tempted when you are out and about.

#3: Clean up Your Gut

A 2014 study conducted at the University of New Mexico reiterates what researchers now know: “Microbes in the gastrointestinal tract are under selective pressure to manipulate host eating behavior to increase their fitness, sometimes at the expense of host fitness.”19 Taking probiotics and prebiotics (food for these good guys) restores the balance of gut bacteria and reduces the number of “bad guys” like candida who crave sugar!

#4: Take L-Glutamine

L-Glutamine is an amino acid that assists with dozens of mechanisms in the body. It also acts as a source of fuel for the GI tract. Like lemon, it can help keep blood sugar levels level. It also helps brain health. In particular, it is healing for the functioning of neurotransmitters which send chemical signals from one part of the brain to the other. Healthy brain firings mean less imbalanced signals telling you to consume something that is bad for you.

#5: Drink Water with Lemon

Evidence suggests that adding a little lemon to your water (and even adding it to your food) helps keep blood sugar levels even.20 Remember that sugar cravings can occur when sugar levels peak and then crash. A little lemon with your meal or with your glass of water can help with this. The citric acid in lemons also changes the way food is digested.21Other studies indicate that apple cider vinegar can help in this regard as well.22 Drinking more water in general is also a go-to strategy for cutting sugar cravings. This is because dehydration is often the cause of these cravings and can exacerbate them.

#6: Exercise

The name of the game for curbing cravings is keeping your blood sugar balanced, but inactivity can also lead to imbalance. Move a little after a meal. Be sure to participate in muscle-building, flexibility, and aerobic activity at least a few times a week (every day is best if you want to feel great!)

#7: Eat Healthy Fats

This especially includes those that contain Omega-3 fatty acids, like fish oil and avocado. These help your heart, brain, joints, and just about every organ in your body. You may also want to experiment with the ketogenic diet to really turn your healing responses on and get inflammation down.

#8: Visualization and Tapping

Don’t underestimate the power of the mind for overcoming sugar cravings. Tapping, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique, is a great way to calm the stress of an intense craving. Also check out Ty’s interview with actress, author, and breast cancer survivor Susanne Somers to learn about her very effective trick for kicking sugar cravings!

#9: Choose Natural Sugar Alternatives

Finally, consider natural sugar alternatives. We have all heard of stevia, which is a natural, healthy, and safe alternative to unhealthy sugars, but you may not have heard about monk fruit. Monk fruit, also known as luo han guo, contains both fructose and glucose. When it is processed into a powder, it creates a compound called mogroside, which gives it its sweetness. The good news about monk fruit is that, like stevia, it will not create an insulin response in most people. So it is great for those with diabetes or pre-diabetes.
There have been studies in which eating monk fruit sweetener did induce an insulin response, but it turned out that it was a good one! Ingesting mogroside V helped to restore normal insulin secretions from the pancreas.23 Could monk fruit be a substance that can help heal diabetes? Time (and more research) will tell!

What Happens When You Cut the Sugar? You Feel GREAT!

The figures about the sugar and the obesity epidemics in this country break my heart. Anyone who knows me well also knows that I am an optimistic person. My hope in sharing with you is that awareness will help prevent you from becoming another statistic.
I hope that you make the right choice when it comes to your health. And you can do it by simply cutting sugar from your diet. My recommendation is to give these tips a try for at least two weeks and then monitor the difference. You can break the sugar habit, and these tips can help!
The thing I noticed most after cutting out sugar is that my mind became crystal clear. Sure, I did slim down, but it was what sugar was doing to my brain and overall energy levels that was really holding me back. Once I quit sugar, I finally had enough energy and focus to spend quality time with my children while still running a company with my husband. I was able to be more effective at what I love to do…educating others on how to beat cancer and live a vibrant, healthy life!

If you feel tired, foggy, or struggle with food cravings, it may be a signal that your body’s overloaded with toxins. Find out how to detox your entire body the right way with the most comprehensive detox programs ever created, The Truth About Detox.

Article Summary

  • In 1890, 0.003% of people had diabetes. In 2015, 30.3 million Americans were diagnosed with diabetes; nearly 10% of the population.
  • For every 150 calories a person consumes from sugar, they increase their type 2 diabetes risk by about 1 percent.
  • Sugar is connected to the following diseases:
    • Heart disease
    • GI problems
    • Inflammation
    • Immune system issues
    • Brain-related disease
    • Reproductive conditions
  • 9 ways to stop sugar cravings in their tracks:
    1. Educate yourself!
    2. Keep sugary foods out of the house
    3. Clean up your gut
    4. Take l-glutamine
    5. Drink water with lemon
    6. Exercise
    7. Eat healthy fats
    8. Visualization and tapping
    9. Choose natural sugar alternatives
Fonte: The Truth About Cancer

As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas.

É muito importante (sempre) procurar mais informações sobre os assuntos 

Poemas II

Que minha solidão me sirva de companhia 
que eu tenha a coragem de me enfrentar  
que eu saiba ficar com o nada 
mesmo assim me sentir como 
se estivesse plena de tudo.
Clarice Lispector

Se o que você está percorrendo é o caminho dos seus verdadeiros sonhos,
comprometa-se com ele.

Não deixe a porta de saída aberta, através da desculpa: "Ainda não é bem isto que eu queria".

Esta frase guarda dentro dela a semente da derrota.
Assuma o seu caminho.mesmo que precise dar passos incertos, mesmo que saiba que pode fazer melhor o que está fazendo.

Se você aceitar suas possibilidades no presente, vai melhorar no futuro, mas se negar suas limitações, jamais se verá livre delas.
Enfrente seu caminho com coragem, não tenha medo da crítica dos outros.

E, sobretudo, não se deixe paralisar por sua própria crítica.
Deus estará sempre com você nas noites insones, e enxugará com seu amor
as lágrimas ocultas.

Deus é o Deus dos valentes.
Paulo Coelho

Ser feliz é não ter medo dos próprios sentimentos.
É ter coragem para ouvir um “não“.
Ser feliz é deixar viver a criança livre,
alegre e simples que mora dentro e cada um de nós.
É ter maturidade para falar “eu errei“.
É ter ousadia para dizer “me perdoe“.
É ter sensibilidade para expressar “eu preciso de você“.
É ter capacidade de dizer “eu te amo“.
Jamais desista de si mesmo.
Jamais desista das pessoas que você ama.
Jamais desista de ser feliz, pois a vida
é um espetáculo imperdível...
E tenha certeza que você é um ser humano especial
para todas as pessoas que te gosta, respeita e quer
te ver sempre bem...
Augusto Cury

“Senhor, conceda-me a serenidade
para aceitar aquilo que não posso mudar,
a coragem para mudar o que me for possível
e a sabedoria para saber discernir entre as duas.
Vivendo um dia de cada vez,
apreciando um momento de cada vez,
recebendo as dificuldades como um caminho para paz,
aceitando este mundo cheio de pecados como ele é,
assim como fez Jesus, e não como gostaria que ele fosse;
Confiando que o Senhor fará tudo dar certo
se eu me entregar à Sua vontade;
Pois assim poderei ser razoavelmente feliz
nesta vida e supremamente feliz na outra.”
Reinhold Niebuhr

Não duvide do valor da vida, da paz, do amor, do prazer de viver, em fim, de tudo que faz a vida florescer. Mas duvide de tudo que a compromete. Duvide do controle que a miséria, ansiedade, egoísmo, intolerância e irritabilidade exercem sobre você.
Quando somos abandonados pelo mundo, a solidão é superável; quando somos abandonados por nós mesmos, a solidão é quase incurável.
Sábio é o ser humano que tem coragem de ir diante do espelho da sua alma para reconhecer seus erros e fracassos e utilizá-los para plantar as mais belas sementes no terreno de sua inteligência.
Ser livre é não ser escravo das culpas do passado nem das preocupações do amanhã. Ser livre é ter tempo para as coisas que se ama. É abraçar, se entregar, sonhar, recomeçar tudo de novo. É desenvolver a arte de pensar e proteger a emoção. Mas, acima de tudo, ser livre é ter um caso de amor com a própria existência e desvendar seus mistérios.
Se seus sonhos são pequenos, sua visão será pequena, suas metas serão limitadas, seus alvos serão diminutos, sua estrada será estreita, sua capacidade de suportar as tormentas será frágil. Os sonhos regam a existência com sentido.

Desejo que você
Não tenha medo da vida, tenha medo de não vivê-la.
Não há céu sem tempestades, nem caminhos sem acidentes.
Só é digno do pódio quem usa as derrotas para alcançá-lo.
Só é digno da sabedoria quem usa as lágrimas para irrigá-la.
Os frágeis usam a força; os fortes, a inteligência.
Seja um sonhador, mas una seus sonhos com disciplina,
Pois sonhos sem disciplina produzem pessoas frustradas.
Seja um debatedor de idéias. Lute pelo que você ama.
Augusto Cury

Quando crianças, nós não conhecemos limites. Num curto período de tempo, aprendemos a falar sem nunca antes termos falado coisa alguma. Aprendemos a andar com nossos membros frágeis para explorar o mundo sem nunca antes termos dado um um passo sequer. Aprendemos a observar, a reconhecer, a alegrarmo-nos, a sofrer, e continuarmos nossas experiências de explorações e descobertas.
Quando crianças, conseguimos tudo isso, sim, por que temos o apoio de todos que nos cercam, mas principalmente por que em nenhum momento nós pensamos que não somos capazes.
É como se movesse dentro de nós o Espírito do Mago, que conhece e domina todos os aspectos do mundo. O Mago sabe que tudo lhe é possível, por que tudo provém apenas de sua vontade. Assim, o Mago apenas deseja, quer, tenta e, irremediavelmente, consegue. Somos todos Magos quando crianças, mas aos poucos vamos perdendo nossa magia, entregando-a ao acaso toda vez que duvidamos de nós mesmos.
Então é preciso notar que para realizar maior parte da coisas que desejamos, precisamos recuperar a magia da infância, precisamos recuperar o Mago que há dentro de nós, e fazer valer a crença de que confiando exclusivamente em nós mesmos, podemos ultrapassar qualquer fronteira!
Augusto Branco

Você ganha força, coragem e confiança através de cada experiência em que você realmente para e encara o medo de frente.
Eleanor Roosevelt

É a esta força que mantém sempre a opinião justa e legítima sobre o que é necessário temer e não temer, que chamo e defino coragem.

É preciso ter força para ser firme,
mas é preciso coragem para ser gentil.

É preciso ter força para se defender,
mas é preciso coragem para baixar a guarda.

É preciso ter força para ganhar uma guerra,
mas é preciso coragem para se render.

É preciso ter força para estar certo,
mas é preciso coragem para ter dúvida.

É preciso ter força para manter-se em forma,
mas é preciso coragem para ficar de pé.

É preciso ter força para sentir a dor de um amigo,
mas é preciso coragem para sentir as próprias dores.

É preciso ter força para esconder os próprios males,
mas é preciso coragem para demonstrá-los.

É preciso ter força para suportar o abuso,
mas é preciso coragem para faze-lo parar.

É preciso ter força para ficar sozinho,
mas é preciso coragem para pedir apoio.

É preciso ter força para amar,
mas é preciso coragem para ser amado.

É preciso ter força para sobreviver,
mas é preciso coragem para viver.

Se você sente que lhe faltam a força e a coragem,
queira Deus que o mundo possa abraçá-lo hoje com seu calor e Amor !

E que o vento possa levar-lhe uma voz que lhe diz que há um Amigo,
vivendo num outro lado do Mundo, desejando que você esteja bem e que,
acima de tudo, seja muito feliz!!!
Silvia Schmidt

Que minha coragem seja maior que o meu medo, e que minha força seja tão grande quanto a minha fé.

O que revela a nossa força não é sermos imbatíveis, incansáveis, invulneráveis. É a coragem de avançar, ainda que com medo. É a vontade de viver, mesmo que já tenhamos morrido um pouco ou muito, aqui e ali, pelo caminho. É a intenção de não desistirmos de nós mesmos, por maior que às vezes seja a tentação. São os gestos de gentileza e ternura que somente os fortes conseguem ter...
Bárbara Coré

" Tudo que preciso está em mim: Coragem para lutar, força para vencer, lábios para sorrir, lágrimas para chorar, saudade para sentir, memória para lembrar, boca para beijar, braços para abraçar, pernas para correr, mãos para afagar, ouvidos para ouvir, olhos para enxergar, verdades para dizer, tristezas para ocultar...se procurar em você algo e não encontrar, faça como eu, sonhe !"
Leônia Teixeira