quarta-feira, 5 de julho de 2017

Find the Right Doctor and Triumph over Cancer

When you are diagnosed with cancer, one of the first things you should do is find the right doctor. There are several different types of doctors. Since you are battling cancer, you’ll want to look specifically for a cancer doctor, and one you can trust and who is knowledgeable about how to heal the human body. But more than just searching for a cancer specialist, you should find a doctor who treats their patients as human beings, rather than revenue generators.

Why Finding the Right Cancer Specialist Matters

Cancer is oftentimes a terrifying illness that sends you on a roller coaster of emotion. From the day you’re given the news, your mind may experience fear, anger, and depression.

There will be issues regarding insurance and meeting the financial demands of  your healthcare. Concerns for your family and the future will add to the emotional toll. Worry about potential outcomes and dealing with unknown factors will generate many questions. You have the right to expect your questions to be properly addressed.

No one should be kept in the dark and simply believe “the doctor knows best” when it comes to an illness that has claimed the lives of so many. Be prepared to speak up, ask questions, and get the answers you need from your doctor.

The best cancer doctors understand how to treat you as a whole person − not just another appointment to rush through their exam room so they can get to the next file. There are many things to consider before you trust a stranger with your life.

The Road to Becoming a Doctor

Naturally, selecting a qualified doctor is an important first requirement. It takes a lot of work to become a doctor and yours will have put in the time, energy, and financial resources to make that happen.

A physician’s journey includes a four-year premedical education in a university or college, a four-year medical school education, and a two-year internship. Each doctor spends a period of time as a resident in a hospital setting to become accustomed to working with patients. Finally, they take the medical board exam. Each country or state has its own rules for licensing physicians.

What Is a Cancer Doctor Called?

Many people wonder what kind of doctor treats cancer. The physicians who have expertise in cancer treatment are called oncologists. Doctors who specialize in oncology and other specific fields are required to continue their education. The education and training to become an oncologist (a doctor who treats cancer patients) can take 12 years or longer.

In addition, especially for a doctor who treats cancer, there are ongoing education requirements through the years that they practice medicine. Their exams encompass the area of their “specialty.” They may also choose a sub-specialty such as radiation oncology, medical oncology, surgery, or hematology.

By the time your doctor sees you in their office, they have invested many years of their life to obtain the education required to treat you. All that education, all that effort, and all the money invested still might not make them the right doctor for you, because doctors treat their patients with the protocols to which they have been exposed. And medical schools in the U.S. teach drug intensive medicine − a “pill for every ill.”

Unfortunately, in the U.S., due to a business alliance between the American Medical Association (AMA) and Big Pharma, the curriculum in 99% of the medical schools focuses heavily on prescribing drugs to mask symptoms, rather than determining and treating the root cause of the disease. This is a much more profitable business model and sadly, patients suffer as a result of ineffective therapeutics. This is especially evident in the cancer industry, where patients are typically treated with chemotherapy, radiation, and/or surgery. Oftentimes, the patients die from the horrifically toxic treatments rather than the disease itself.

The Truth About Your Cancer

If you’re reading this article, more than likely you’re aware that the medical community might not be giving you the truth about how to fight cancer effectively on all fronts.

In fact, you don’t know if your doctor is receiving payments to push specific cancer drugs (which often happens). Such cases of “supplemental” income are becoming the source of great debate in the health industry. Political candidates must show whom they are affiliated with but doctors are not required to reveal their affiliations.

You might not be a person or even a patient to some doctors. You might be nothing more than a monetary bonus. Does that seem extreme?

How many times have you seen television ads for medications, only to have them prescribed to you or someone you know within weeks? How easily can you receive a prescription for an antidepressant today as opposed to 20 or even 10 years ago? How often have you received refills with almost no questions about side effects, overall health, or actual improvement?

Sales commissions and cancer drugs work the same way. Pharmaceutical companies have invested billions of dollars to push their drugs to market and they offer lucrative perks when doctors choose to use their products.

Take “Big Pharma” out of the picture. Does your doctor believe in alternative or complementary medicine that can be used in tandem with or instead of traditional treatments? Are they willing to “think outside the box” – especially if you or your loved one has a particularly aggressive cancer?

Is your doctor willing to talk about your diet, your environment, or other health issues you may have and how they may help or hinder your recovery?

The Bottom Line When Choosing a Cancer Doctor

You have to be confident and comfortable with your chosen specialist since you will discuss everything with them regarding your cancer treatment. Trust your instincts.

Cancer is a journey into extreme emotional, physical, psychological, and financial stress. Having a doctor who sees you, talks to you and listens to you, will make the journey easier.

If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you need to find a doctor. No matter what, you’re going to need one, because cancer is a dangerous disease that cannot be ignored.

Make sure the doctor you choose is the right doctor for treating and beating the cancer in your life.

Remember, your doctor works for you, not vice versa. If your doctor treats you as less than human or as a stream of revenue, then FIRE him and find a doctor that takes and practices the Hippocratic Oath seriously.

Article Summary

  • When you’re diagnosed with cancer, one of the first things you should do is find a doctor you can trust and who is knowledgeable about how to help people heal.
  • Cancer can send you on a roller coaster of emotion. You may experience fear, anger, depression, and worries over finances.
  • Even though it takes around 12 years to become a cancer doctor (aka oncologist), don’t simply believe “the doctor knows best” when it comes to your illness. Be willing to speak up and get your questions answered to your satisfaction.
  • Unfortunately, medical school in the U.S. teach drug intensive medicine − a “pill for every ill.”
  • Does your doctor believe in alternative or complementary medicine that can be used in tandem with or instead of traditional treatments? Are they willing to “think outside the box”?
  • Remember, your doctor works for you, not vice versa. If your doctor treats you as less than human or as a stream of revenue, then FIRE him and find a doctor that takes and practices the Hippocratic Oath seriously.

Fonte: The Truth About Cancer

As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas

Required by the FDA
This website is for educational purposes only. It is not intended as a substitute for the diagnosis, treatment, and advice of a qualified licensed professional. This site offers people medical information and tells them their alternative medical options, but in no way should anyone consider that this site represents the practice of medicine. This site assumes no responsibility for how this material is used. Also note that this website frequently updates its contents, due to a variety of reasons, therefore, some information may be out of date. The statements regarding alternative treatments for cancer have not 
been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.

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