quarta-feira, 21 de junho de 2017

The 10 best cancer blogs

Receiving a cancer diagnosis can be distressing not only for the person involved, but also for their friends, family, and coworkers. We have located the best cancer blogs that provide groundbreaking treatment news, general information, and support for everyone impacted by cancer.

Cancer blogs provide support for individuals with cancer, as well as their friends and families.

According to the National Cancer Institute, in 2016, around 1,685,210 new cases of cancer were diagnosed in the United States, with around 595,690 people dying from the disease. Overall, 8.2 million cancer-related deaths were reported worldwide in 2012.
The most common cancer types include breast cancer, lung cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, bladder cancer, melanoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, thyroid cancer, kidney cancer, leukemia, endometrial cancer, and pancreatic cancer.
Healthcare professionals are there, first and foremost, to give you accurate information about treatment strategies for your particular type of cancer. However, cancer associations, charities, and blogs are also useful sources of support, helping you to live beyond the disease. Here are Medical News Today's selection of the 10 best cancer blogs.

Dr. Len's Blog

Dr. Len's Blog features on the American Cancer Society's website. Dr. J. Leonard Lichtenfeld is the deputy chief medical officer for the American Cancer Society. He has more than four decades worth of experience in cancer care and has served on numerous advisory committees and boards that collaborate with the society to reduce the burden of cancer both nationally and worldwide.
Dr. Lichtenfeld has a wealth of knowledge regarding early cancer detection, cancer prevention, emerging cancer science, health equity, quality of life for cancer patients, and cancer care. All of these topics, together with the latest cancer research and treatment news, are explored on his blog.
Blog posts include the facts behind the news of chewing gum that detects cancer, an article questioning why so many teenagers still use tanning beds when skin cancer is so widespread, and what should be done about the increasing rates of colorectal cancer among younger people.


Insight is the blog of the Dana-Farber Cancer Institute. The Dana-Farber Cancer Institute is based in Boston, MA, and has been committed to providing the best available treatments for adults and children with cancer since 1947. Their ongoing, cutting-edge research aims to advance the understanding, diagnosis, treatment, cure, and prevention of cancer.
Insight is a place where inspiring patient stories, discoveries, and progress made in the institute's laboratories and clinics are shared. "Then and Now" podcasts, such as a family's account of their child's experience with neuroblastoma and a man detailing his journey as one of the 2,000 men in the U.S. diagnosed with breast cancer each year, also feature on the blog.
The most read posts on Insight include a description of what a breast cancer lumps feels like, whether or not itching is a sign of cancer, an article looking at whether painful breast lumps or lumps that move are cancer, and what the connection is between night sweats and cancer.

Cancer Talk

Cancer Talk is a blog run by the Roswell Park Cancer Institute. Roswell Park was founded as the nation's first cancer center in 1898 and set the standard for the multidisciplinary approach to high-quality cancer care that is seen today. Roswell Park's mission is to understand, prevent, and cure cancer.
Cancer Talk includes patient stories, the latest cancer research and news, information about breakthrough prevention and screening methods, life and wellness posts, and cancer support.
Recent blog posts cover uplifting stories such as Roman's experience of meeting and thanking his blood and marrow transplantation donor, tips and advice for cancer patients from cancer patients, and what to expect during chemotherapy.

American Institute for Cancer Research
The American Institute for Cancer Research (AICR) was founded in 1982. The AICR fund pioneering cancer research and provide individuals with the information and practical tools they need to help them prevent and survive cancer.
Focusing on the fields of nutrition and physical activity, as well as cancer prevention, treatment, and survival, the AICR develop evidence-based recommendations that may help to cut cancer risk. Their blog reports on current cancer research and study findings.
The most recent blog posts talk about whether flaxseed protects against or increases the risk of breast cancer, how the AICR opposes the cuts to funding and prevention programs in the federal budget, and how replacing ham with fish may lengthen your life.


CureSearch for Children's Cancer are a national nonprofit foundation that have played a significant role in breakthrough research for children's cancer for more than 25 years. CureSearch are committed to putting an end to childhood cancer and helping children to receive cancer treatment, and their families to receive support.
In the U.S., around 43 children are diagnosed with cancer every day. Childhood cancer is the leading cause of death by disease among U.S. children. CureSearch's blog celebrates those children who have survived cancer as well as detailing the experiences of children fighting the disease, along with their families. News of research that paves the way for new therapies is also included on the blog.
CureSearch's blog includes first-hand accounts of cancer, such as Gabrielle's experience of acute lymphoblastic leukemia, Christian's devotion to funding children's cancer research after being diagnosed with Wilms' tumor as a toddler, and Crystal's narrative of her baby daughter's diagnosis of bilateral retinoblastoma.

Cancer Support Community

Cancer Support Community are one of the leading organizations that offer high-quality social and emotional cancer support. They are dedicated to ensuring that all people affected by cancer are empowered and receive support "so that no one faces cancer alone."
The impact of cancer can often leave people feeling sad, angry, confused, or anxious. The Cancer Support Community help individuals who are experiencing these emotions to connect with support groups, get one-on-one counseling, seek helpful resources, and talk to people who are going through similar situations. These meetings, which take place face-to-face, over the phone, or online, help people to take control of their situation and cope better.
The Cancer Support Community's blog has articles on support, advocacy, cancer awareness, and patient experiences. These include posts on the importance of psychosocial care for cancer survivors, Paul's journey as the longest living survivor of mesothelioma, and how to overcome sleepless nights after cancer.

Cancer and Careers

Cancer and Careers provide individuals with expert cancer advice, interactive tools, and access to educational events to enable them to thrive in their workplace. Cancer and Careers have realized the issue of the rising number of cancer survivors in the U.S. and the increasing need to support them with getting back to normality and work after being diagnosed and treated.
Cancer and Careers work with healthcare professionals to run innovative programs to help navigate the practical and legal challenges that often follow a cancer diagnosis.
Helpful step-by-step articles and tips are included on the blog, such as how to reinvigorate your job search, tips to attract recruiters through LinkedIn, and steps to sharpening your job skills.

Young Survival Coalition

The Young Survival Coalition (YSC) are dedicated to issues unique to young women diagnosed with breast cancer. The YSC provide information and resources on treatment phases through guidebooks, audio, and video.
The YSC help women to make supportive connections through face-to-face meet ups, one-on-one peer support programs, discussion boards, and online video support groups. Support and educational programs are available for women with advanced breast cancer to help them live well, make informed decisions, and build a supportive community.
Blog posts include subject matter such as a dad's account of his daughter's 211-mile bike ride for charity while undergoing chemotherapy, issues of isolation when grieving the loss of a friend, and what to do when you have been diagnosed with breast cancer.


IHadCancer consists of a team of passionate cancer survivors, supporters, and caregivers with the mission of empowering anyone affected by cancer. They say that with more than 14 million people in the U.S. living with cancer, "there is no reason for anyone to feel alone."
IHadCancer help people to navigate life after cancer and allow them to pay it forward and offer support to individuals who have received a similar diagnosis. Their blog topics center on survivorship, caregivers, emotional support, health and fitness, creativity, work, and school.
Blog content includes a poignant open letter to everyone who walked away during cancer, 10 things cancer survivors want you to know about "chemo brain," and the four best and worst parts of life after cancer.

The Liz Army

The Liz Army is the blog of Liz Salmi and her patient experience after a diagnosis of brain cancer. Liz started blogging about her brain cancer experience at the age of 29, when she experienced her first symptom: a grand mal seizure that originated in her left parietal lobe.
Liz speaks regularly on how patients are using the Internet to form support networks and how patients and healthcare professionals are now connecting through digital media. Liz has also appeared on a documentary following people who openly share their healthcare experiences, is the co-founder of the #BTSM hashtag (which helps to connect individuals with a brain tumor diagnosis worldwide), and serves on the National Brain Tumor Society's Medical Advisory Board.
Latest posts by The Liz Army include Liz's first blog post for a medical journal, a video of Liz's talk at the Stanford Medicine X conference, and the TED Talk that shaped Liz's perception on living with brain cancer.
Fonte: Medical News Today

As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas

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