terça-feira, 22 de junho de 2021

How Cancer Survivors Can Benefit from Healthy10 Challenge

Angela Hummel

 The month of June is National Cancer Survivor Month and AICR is recognizing and celebrating all those who have bravely faced cancer.

AICR is dedicated to helping people with cancer move through treatment and into survivorship.  As a cancer survivor there are many questions to navigate through and our goal is to help you know what to focus on for healthy survivorship.

During treatment


After treatment

  • Speak with your healthcare provider to discuss what is best for your health in survivorship.

  • Continue physical activity to promote muscle maintenance and growth.

  • Follow the AICR 10 Recommendations, if able, to help prevent recurrence or a secondary cancer.


To guide you in adopting AICR’s  10 Cancer Prevention Recommendations for better overall health, AICR has built a 10-week interactive program called the Healthy10 Challenge to help you stay healthy during treatment and beyond.


What is Healthy10 Challenge?

Healthy10 Challenge is a lifestyle support program designed to guide a person towards the healthy choices that make up the AICR 10 Cancer Prevention Recommendations.

  • The Challenge is a 10-week personalized and individually paced online program.

  • Built upon research and backed by evidence, this program incorporates delicious recipes, tips for eating out and physical activity suggestions.


The Healthy10 Challenge Works!

Healthy10 Challenge helps prevent cancer and reduces the risk of dying after a cancer diagnosis. It works, and it is worth the commitment. The AICR Recommendations are linked to:


Jill, a recent challenger, stated, “I learned to be kind to myself and take it slow. I need to do the best I can each day and let go of past choices. The Healthy10 Challenge helped me to eat healthier meals, eat more frequently, incorporate more vegetables and regular walks into my weeks.”

“As an oncology dietitian, I see many people with cancer who want to make lifestyle changes.”  During a cancer diagnosis, it can be difficult to balance all that is happening while trying to make improvements in daily habits. The Healthy10 Challenge is designed to:

  • Meet people where they are

  • Be self-paced

  • Easy to use and not overwhelming

  • Complement and/support other nutrition programs or dietitian consult

  • Be repetitive. It does not have to end after 10 weeks. It is easy to restart the program or pick up where you left off.

Want to take on the challenge? Sign-up today at Healthy10Challenge.org.

Improve your experience by joining with a friend, co-worker, family member or a group of people for accountability and support.

Fonte: AICR

As informações e sugestões contidas neste blog são meramente informativas e não devem substituir consultas com médicos especialistas.

É muito importante (sempre) procurar mais informações sobre os assuntos

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